We would firstly like to thank all the college support staff for bearing with us through what is a significant but also lengthy Job Evaluation project. Activity continues as planned and we hope you will find this update useful.
Data cleansing and gathering further clarity from staff within the sector has continued throughout, to ensure robust information is being used for the process, and we would like to thank college staff in working to get responses to queries back to us so quickly.
Following a final review at the beginning of the year with college HR departments on the definite list of roles to be evaluated, the project team identified a significant increase in the estimated number of roles which are required to be evaluated across the 21 colleges. We now have around 2,430 roles being taken through the first and second scoring process.
This latest development means that we are now anticipating early July 2021 for completion of the final scoring process. The project is moving at pace though and over 58% of the roles have been through the final scoring process (both first and second scored) with two colleges fully complete and further six colleges are already nearly 90% complete.
Work around pay and grading is also progressing at pace and is being taken forward alongside the evaluation process. The Pay Modelling Software being used for this area of work is supplied by Zellis (previously NorthgateArinso). Work is beginning now on this and we hope to be able to report further progress in late summer. The Appeals Stage though is estimated to conclude in 2022.
We have two key working groups (Job Evaluation Working Group and Pay Working Group) as part of the project which are responsible for directing and supporting the various areas of work. These groups, which have members from both the support staff and management sides, continue to hold meaningful dialogue on key activity around every 6 weeks.
Once again, our continued thanks go to the Role Analysts for their hard work and for remaining with us throughout the project.
If you have any questions, you can contact your college HR department, Job Evaluation Project Team or UNISON, GMB, Unite.