
Further information on Job Evaluation for line managers is below.  You are advised to view and read the following first before proceeding:

  1. Introduction to Job Evaluation
  2. Frequently Asked Questions for Employees


What do I need to do as a manager?

You play an important part in the process by validating and agreeing that the content of the questionnaire completed by the roleholder(s) reflects the role that they hold. In addition, job descriptions for each role should be submitted, which, if out of date, should be updated.

The role outline questionnaire needs to be completed, agreed between you and the roleholder(s) and submitted to your local HR department electronically in Microsoft Word format.

Should employees be given time at work to complete the questionnaire?

Yes. You should discuss exactly what time is required to complete with your staff and this will vary from role to role.  The questionnaire is an important document in the job evaluation process and therefore you need to provide the time necessary to ensure it fully reflects each role. You will also need to provide time for trade union members to meet with trade union representatives if requested to provide support in drafting the questionnaires at the times these representatives are visiting the college.

What if I wish to amend the questionnaire after the role holder draft?

As a Line Manager, you should have an open discussion with your team members to verify the completeness of coverage, representativeness and accuracy of the evidence given. Any amendments will need to be agreed with the employees representing the role. Should disagreement be unresolved, the matter should be referred to the next appropriate tier of management where both HR representatives and trade union representatives for trade union members may become involved.

In circumstances whereby, despite best endeavours, agreement cannot be reached, as a last resort, advice can be sought by the college from the Joint Chairs of the NJNC Job Evaluation Working Group.

There is no access to local grievance procedures and the exhaustion of the national process is final.

The national role evaluation process will apply to all support staff roles in scope of the National Recognition and Procedures Agreement (NRPA). There is no exception. All employees are asked to participate in the drafting of the role outline questionnaire which is their opportunity to be involved directly in the evaluation of the role. If there is an underlying issue with participation, employees are entitled to ask the college to escalate the matter to the joint national chairs in an attempt to resolve. If they ultimately choose not to participate, we will seek their signed agreement to confirm this but in all such cases the questionnaire will be completed by you if the employee is the only person in the role or by the remaining occupants of the role if part of a group.

How long do I have to agree the questionnaires?

Questionnaires need to be completed by 28th June 2019. This gives time for the questionnaires to be completed and reviewed and, if necessary, job descriptions to be updated. This is a critical stage in the evaluation process. Inaccurate or poor-quality questionnaires will undermine the evaluation process and will be unable to be scored which will delay the job evaluation process.

All completed and agreed questionnaires are to be returned to your HR department no later than 28th June 2019.

What happens next?

All signed role outline questionnaires are submitted for the process of evaluation. Agreed job descriptions are also submitted, but this is for reference only and does not form part of the evaluation itself.

How will I find out more?

Regular updates, announcements and procedural documents are available by accessing the Latest News section of the website and as distributed via local trade union and management representatives jointly who will receive information from the National Job Evaluation Working Group.